Back to centre again

Bear this in mind when you consider even the best-intentioned elimination diet. Cultivating joy is central to everything if we are to thrive in life at all…and its an insider job. Take away your entitlement to prepare, look forward to and then relish, without undue fear, some of the most natural and delicious, healthy, food sources that others take for granted and you are quickly placed on a road to isolation, disillusionment and dispair. You begin to wonder what you have done to deserve such a thing…and this is certainly no route to healing!

The vagus nerve: leading us back to our health

There's literally nothing to lose and everything to gain from a healthier vagus nerve. Like all the best paths, it starts out a little mysterious but that's where its adventure lies. I've certainly had cause to explore it lately as its been found to have just so many links with the most chronic, mysterious, health conditions....and here's what I found out (to my benefit, maybe yours). So, having found it and become so much more aware of it, I like to think the vagus nerve is a path worth following as, so it turns out, it may very well lead us back to ourselves in more ways than one!

Shingles without the rash?

Trying to describe to people I haven't seen for years the health challenges I have so they can relate, I found myself using the word "neuralgia" and this set me off wondering what this typically relates to, what commonly causes it, in terms other people can grasp. This new lead-in (seeing things from other people's perspective) prompted me … Continue reading Shingles without the rash?

Fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue – are they Epstein Barr?

If you have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or any other seemingly unshiftable chronic illness going on then - of every post I've ever written - I would say this is the one to read as it feels like a giant dovetail joint coming together to me. Epstein Barr virus is so much more complex than I ever realised before and the gift of learning all about this is seeing how I could have - at last - a root cause for every single aspect of a lifetime's worth of health challenges; maybe you too. Better still, every chance of a recovery when you know what is being faced here.